K75RT to K75C Bars Conversion

Bars Overlay

Time to get back to the RT… Kinda neat view of what changing out the bars from an RT to a standard C bar does to the geometry of the rider…

Straightforward, if fiddly with heated grips, exchange of bar for bar… not ridden it yet but feels way more forward like. The S inspired me to go forward and lean in!

Before and After

The above shows the difference it makes before and after on the same Bike… real shots overlayed… Here’s the after shot taken at Southport, England.


Overall post fitment I have to report that the top heavy nature of the Bike has been transformed and it’s a lot more comfortable to handle… The RT bars will not be returning to the machine anytime soon.

I’ve even managed to squeeze back on the front screen…

Here’s a Before shot for comparison


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