R65 and Noisy Exhausts – How loud?

While since build I’ve loved the noise my Bike makes…

Here’s a clip from Youtube to demonstrate…

I’ve decided to buy some OEM Silencers to quiet it down and make it more sustainable…

I’ve not got them yet but decided to measure Volume of the current and very popular short cans… in dB for Comparison

Before – 80dB

After – 80dB !

At first the meter read Over Limit – OL so I downloaded an App on my Phone and got some results…. more soon once fitted… be interested to compare and see if I lose more than gain…


I’ve also taken a stab at how the OEM longer pipes make look on the Bike – using PowerPoint and overlaying of two images… pretty good if I’m honest… time will tell..

Silencers Before and After Mock Up May 2020

Well, they arrived and I fitted this morning… bit confused as to whether the brackets on the bottom of the footpegs were needed – fitted without for now… will take a look later but line up well, fit like a dream of course – BMW Engineering at play – and sound great…

Definitely removed the Bark of the shorties but still grumbly and growly and I think the extra length stresses the Bikes full size and makes it feel a little bit more grown up if that makes sense…


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