So, does it run….?

Well, I followed this set of steps…

  • Dropped the Oil and replaced – Black Oil but no water in the mix – good news
  • Drained the Coolant – Brown and Yukky – refilled with fresh for now rather than strip the entire system, at least it would cool on start, if it started…
  • Drained the Fuel Tank – lot’s of yukky Sand like residue in the Fuel – Tank looked OK inside though and no obvious leaks
  • Fitted the Battery from my R65 – turned the key and the dash lit up.
  • Cleaned up the Frame Earths – I know these cause lots of issues if it’s not earthed well.
  • I also removed the Rear Rack – which was eating into the Bodywork
  • Put in a fresh Gallon of Petrol

At this point, I took a trip to the tip – and dumped the rear Mudgaurd, Old Oil and Rack…

Well….. I also turned it over without the Computer in so that the frsh Oil had time to get across the Engine and give it a chance if it started.

Turned it over… and at first BANG….

Promising, that meant sparks and ignition into something like Fuel and Air….

Petrol at this point started pouring down in front of the Bike, a quick examination revealed that the Fuel return was not connected and generally the Tank was only just in place… tightened and checked both fuel pipes…

Try again – YES

Boom… it spluttered into Life and sat there idling away, steam pouring out of the back of the exhaust as the Engine had it’s first warm up in 10 years…

K75S First Start


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